It's time to sue the pants off your Wall Street buddies who ripped you off in 1993-1994. And, the Sheriff should close down every brokerage outlet in the county for selling bogus, counterfeit receipts.
Don't forget to include the S.E.C. guard dogs protecting International Organized Crime's (I.O.C.'s) vile operations. Transferring blame and liability to victims is their specialty.
This is not a joke but a very serious matter. Call your local media and find out why they too have been protecting the thieves.
Orange County, Anaheim, Irvine, and your school systems ought to collect far more than double from the thieves and their agents with interest. Also, don't forget to figure in the potential earnings from your investments that were stolen. Since 1993-1994 Orange County should be owed at least 7 billion dollars and perhaps 700 billion in damages.
It's time that the crooks who ripped-off each and every citizen of Orange County went to prison and let their wealth be seized ... we're talking about the Wall Street Gang who are still ripping-off the citizenry and their corporations.
For details check out Brian's House on the Internet. And particularly, SCAM #2 (with 3 important hyperlinks) and the Letter to Microsoft. There's a lot more there bearing on the subject so enjoy:
Or start with The Options page at:
Oh, and call your US Congressman and ask why this and other scams have been allowed to exist. Also, ask Billy Clinton, your President, what he is doing to clean up this corruption.
CC: To Microsoft
And others.